Sunday, May 23, 2010

Easter Lego

During the Easter holidays I found myself rather bored at points, thus, given the amount of Lego in my room, I did the only logical thing:

My mecha, complete with ominous shadow.

As usual sorry about the quality of the pictures, I'm terrible at keeping my hand steady for them.

Close up of the gun thing.

Close up of the claw thing.

Close up of the cockpit.

The only picture to come out not incredibly blurred.

I'm not sure what I was expecting when I started making this, it looks rather more like it's from Bioshock than intended. I also didn't expect it to be this yellow, but then realised I didn't have enough dark grey pieces.

I have actually made quite a few Lego models over the last couple of years, I'll probably blog about them too before too long.

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