Thursday, February 09, 2006

And they called it "Firefox"

If any of you have seen the beta of Internet Exploder 7 then you will, I should hope, recognise it as a complete rip off of Firefox.

If you have ever used Firefox you will recognise the tabs, the search box, the RSS symbol. Not only are they present, they are all in almost the exact same place and work in the same way. I assume that Microsoft realised the competition had features that it didn't and copied the code line for line (Firefox being open source).

However this update is undoubtedly an improvement, although I won't be switching to it.
The nicer updates which caught my eye were:
The inclusion of PNG alpha transparency (finally) which has annoyed me for ages and ages due to having to make all my tranparent images GIFs just because there were so many people using IE.
Closer W3C compliance, although I don't know how closely it complies.
The other main updates can be found here.


Gordon Strachan said...

Aren't you glad you were with Firefox first? I mean, I'm hardly up on my techyness, but I'm still getting the urge to stick out my tongue and say: "nyeh, told you so!"

Ok, not at the same time, that would involve spraying spit all over the place.

Gordon Strachan said...

Hee hee, you also called it Microsoft Exploder hee hee

Lolly said...

Dammit, does this mean Gordon was RIGHT?!


(haha Exploder, that made me laugh)

Gordon Strachan said...

I'm afraid so! You should've downloaded it long ago, the things it could've done for you - you could've been president by now!!